Vi släpper "På Egna Ben" med Annie Gutå-Kratz

till stöd för projektet "Vid Din Sida".

"Vid Din Sida" är en ideell förening som hjälper äldre hemlösa i Stockholm med kläder, hygienartiklar, mat och mänsklig värme.

SWISH: 1236333165 

BANKGIRO: SEB 5159-1121


Ragdoll Production is a Swedish audio engineering and production company with services for private customers, artists, songwriters, musicians, bands, producers, labels and broadcasting companies. 

- We speak Swedish, English, Dutch and German.

Click here to Follow us on Facebook 

"I became aware of Patricia's work after hearing her mixes of 'Lizette &' tracks... and being completely blown away by where she had taken home recordings and made them explode out of the speakers as world class mixes. Her work is second to none, and anyone that has the opportunity to have their tracks shaped by the ears, mind and hands of this creative force is a very fortunate soul." - Dan Reed, Artist, singer, songwriter, musician

© ragdoll production  2017